WIFS 2015 – Thematic Meeting

WIFS 2015
7th IEEE International Workshop on
Information Forensics and Security
Rome, Italy, 16 November, 2015
WIFS 2015 – Thematic Meeting
Truthfulness and trustworthiness verification of multimedia objects like audio tracks, digital images and video sequences has or should have a key role in our daily life.
Audio-visual data are nowadays valuable sources of information: due to the diffusion of digital devices able of easily acquiring audio tracks and visual contents, each of us may become an active participant in the production of knowledge; furthermore, internet and social media make this knowledge shared and distributed. We can say that we live in a network of sensors, network of people, network of knowledge.
WIFS 2015 – Thematic Meeting
15:00 | Legal Environment | 15.00: The point of view of Law Enforcement Agencies (G. Tessitore, Servizio Polizia Scientifica) 15.20: The point of view of Court of Law (F. Sarzana di S.Ippolito, Sarzana & Partners Law Firm) |