Webinar #GDPR on telcos, media and ISP’s sector

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WEBINAR  on April 16th at 11am

#GDPR on telcos, media and ISP’s sector

What will be GDPR’s  (General Data Protection Regulation )  impact on telecos, media and ISP businesses?

Telcos risk big fines under imminent Data Protection legislation

The impact of GDPR on telcos and internet service provider companies will be far greater than just the BSS/OSS.

Those businesses that transfer information for data warehousing, reporting and marketing purposes will now need to be ready to delete or ‘anonymise’ these data sets.

Internet Service Providers will also have to make sure that they store and use consumer information only with explicit consent.

Businesses that need to store data for legitimate legal purposes will now need to separate this data from other systems so that this data is not accidentally processed for other purposes.

The appointment of Data Protection Officers (DPO) will be mandated for data controllers where monitoring and processing of personal data is done on a large scale.

On the positive side, this will also ease out the burden on international businesses who had to deal with local DPAs in the current regime.

Another important area for telcos will be data portability.

Telcos ( and internet service provider companies)  should be able to provide consumers a copy of their personal data in an electronic format.

This means they need to keep this data in a structured and commonly used standard electronic format.

Overall, the GDPR conformance journey should involve a  judicious mixture of top-down and bottom-up approaches, with all stakeholders being on the same page. It is therefore critical

to have a carefully designed, exible compliance strategy, post identication of existing gaps in OSS, BSS, and audit trails.
