Privacy Symposium in Venice, April 2022

statement from Mr Fulvio Sarzana of Sarzana & Partners Law Firm:  Wow! Wow, what an honor!  It was a great honor to be selected as a speaker for  the Privacy Symposium Conference which will take place in Venice, Italy, from 5 to 7 April 2022. The Privacy Symposium aims at promoting international dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge Read more about Privacy Symposium in Venice, April 2022[…]


Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance

Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance. How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant? Tomorrow May 26th, connect to the Legal Hackers online seminar and you will find out. Researchers, jurists, influencers from all over the world, will discuss COVID and digital tracking. Fulvio Sarzana wiill speaks about the app Read more about Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance[…]


Italy integrates GDPR in national privacy legislation

The Italian Council of Ministers has on 8th August 2018 approved a decree which integrates GDPR into Italian Privacy law. The Decree will have to be published to the Italian Official Gazette to come into force. The GDPR will overwrite part of the Italian Privacy Code (decreto legislativo n. 196/2003), it reformulates the duties and Read more about Italy integrates GDPR in national privacy legislation[…]

Webinar #GDPR on telcos, media and ISP’s sector

WEBINAR  on April 16th at 11am #GDPR on telcos, media and ISP’s sector What will be GDPR’s  (General Data Protection Regulation )  impact on telecos, media and ISP businesses? Telcos risk big fines under imminent Data Protection legislation The impact of GDPR on telcos and internet service provider companies will be far greater than just the Read more about Webinar #GDPR on telcos, media and ISP’s sector[…]
