
Legal aspects of autonomous vehicles

  It is predicted that the future of driving, and of transport infrastructure more generally, will be autonomous and interconnected. Numerous headlines in recent years have been dedicated to the rise and challenges of driverless technology. When and how the technology will be rolled out will depend, in no small part, on the creation of Read more about Legal aspects of autonomous vehicles[…]


Blockchain,GDPR, firme digitali e crittografia

  Il 18 febbraio 2020  presso LUISS enlabs si svolgerà un incontro in tema di crittografia, blockchain, GDPR, firme digitali e documenti informatici. Beyond Blockchain: dati, crittografia e privacy Sentiamo sempre più spesso parlare di come la blockchain e le criptovalute cambieranno il mondo. Cerchiamo di andare “Beyond Blockchain”, conosciamo davvero il funzionamento della tecnologia? Read more about Blockchain,GDPR, firme digitali e crittografia[…]



LEGAL ISSUES SMART CONTRACTS Italian Law firm  is a blockchain and cryptocurrency technology law firm that specializes on digital tokens, digital assets, utility tokens, distributed ledger technology, data storage, data privacy, securities law, token fundraising, sto, cross-border regulatory matters, intellectual property, and cloud security. If you are a blockchain FinTech startup and seeking blockchain legal Read more about LEGAL ISSUES SMART CONTRACTS[…]
