
Legal issues on reporting #meToo

This discussion will focus on the legal issues surrounding coverage of the #MeToo movement, with U.S. and Italian perspectives on issues including sourcing, confidentiality, defamation, and reporting when sources have non-disclosure agreements. The discussion will highlight some of the legal risks and best practices for reporting these issues https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4XmRN1L-RFk


Fulvio Sarzana invited by general counsel of US magazine New Yorker to be speaker at International Journalism Festival 2018

Sarzana e Associati Law Firm is proud to announce that Managing Partners Fulvio Sarzana has been invited by prestigious Magazine New Yorker to be a speaker at the international journalism festival 2018, in Perugia, Italy, to speak, from a legal point of view, of harassment to women at work in the entertainment world and the #meToo movement. Read more about Fulvio Sarzana invited by general counsel of US magazine New Yorker to be speaker at International Journalism Festival 2018[…]

Intellectual property: Romans declare piracy sites legal

  However, an appeal was filed and heard by the Rome Court of Appeal in February. The site’s lawyer Fulvio Sarzana said that the Court ruled that the links do not qualify as distributing files protected by copyright law. This means that sites can list links and not be prosecuted. “The Judge has recognized as Read more about Intellectual property: Romans declare piracy sites legal[…]
