
Cybersecurity e Internet of Things a IoThings 2019

Sarzana e Associati, Studio Legale parteciperà all’evento IoThings Rome, in programma a Roma presso lo Spazio 900, all’EUR, il 27 e 28 novembre prossimi. IOTHINGS Rome, è l’evento internazionale organizzato da#Innovability, totalmente dedicato all’IoT e alla emergente Digital Transformation of Things che si svolge in primavera a Milano e in autunno a Roma. Nel corso Read more about Cybersecurity e Internet of Things a IoThings 2019[…]


AI e Blockchain, in pool Mise anche 4 docenti Uninettuno

Pubblicato il: 22/01/2019 14:04 Partite al Mise le riunioni d’insediamento dei gruppi di esperti di alto livello sull’Intelligenza artificiale e sui registri distribuiti e Blockchain e tra loro Uninettuno annuncia che siedono anche 4 docenti dell’Università Telematica Internazionale. I gruppi sono stati istituiti con Decreto del ministero dello Sviluppo Economico del 21 dicembre 2018 con l’obiettivo di elaborare le strategie nazionali da inviare alla Read more about AI e Blockchain, in pool Mise anche 4 docenti Uninettuno[…]


Uninettuno University of Rome: from 2019 the first University course dedicated to the law of blockchain, artificial intelligence and Internet of things (IoT).

The Faculty of Law of the Uninettuno University of Rome, within the degree course in Business Law, Labor and new Technologies, address Law of the digital society, corresponding to the L-14 Class of the Ministry of Education, ‘University and Research (MIUR), has activated from the 2018-2019 academic year, the course of Comparative law of new Read more about Uninettuno University of Rome: from 2019 the first University course dedicated to the law of blockchain, artificial intelligence and Internet of things (IoT).[…]


International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence on the Edge October 23 2018, Milan, Italy   AI ON THE EDGE is the most exciting and innovative event dedicated to the Artificial Intelligence applications on final devices. This is a unique occasion to meet some of the best expert managers and researchers on the fusion of IOT and AI Science. Fulvio Read more about International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things[…]



  The book  “Law of blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and IoT” of  Fulvio Sarzana di S.Ippolito (Uninettuno-Rome, Italy) and Massimiliano Nicotra ( University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy), lawyers and researchers, deals with the legal issues of international regulations on blockchain and artificial intelligence.   The work, wich has more than 350 bibliographic and source references of the Read more about LAW OF BLOCKCHAIN, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND IoT[…]
