
Intelligenza Artificiale, blockchain e IoT: due eventi per capire i profili giuridici

Vuoi sapere di più sulla brevettabilità delle invenzioni legate all’Intelligenza artificiale e sul diritto d’autore? Vuoi conoscere come trattare i dati personali nel rispetto del Regolamento privacy nel contesto dell’internet of things ( IoT) ? Vuoi sapere di più sugli smart contracts e l’Initial Coin offering (ICO) ? Vuoi sapere cosa dicono i Tribunali sulle Read more about Intelligenza Artificiale, blockchain e IoT: due eventi per capire i profili giuridici[…]


AI & Law. The fourth meeting of decentralized Artificial intelligence community

D.AI 3  is The fourth meeting of the Decentralized Artificial intelligence  Community, which will be held on Monday 22 October at the University of Bologna’s AlmaCube incubator In the first talk Michele De Simoni will tell us the way for the decentralization of the AI and the IoT and in the second Massimo Mannoni will Read more about AI & Law. The fourth meeting of decentralized Artificial intelligence community[…]


International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence on the Edge October 23 2018, Milan, Italy   AI ON THE EDGE is the most exciting and innovative event dedicated to the Artificial Intelligence applications on final devices. This is a unique occasion to meet some of the best expert managers and researchers on the fusion of IOT and AI Science. Fulvio Read more about International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things[…]



  The book  “Law of blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and IoT” of  Fulvio Sarzana di S.Ippolito (Uninettuno-Rome, Italy) and Massimiliano Nicotra ( University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy), lawyers and researchers, deals with the legal issues of international regulations on blockchain and artificial intelligence.   The work, wich has more than 350 bibliographic and source references of the Read more about LAW OF BLOCKCHAIN, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND IoT[…]
