Fulvio Sarzana

Artificial Intelligence ACT e GDPR

*di Fulvio Sarzana di S. Ippolito, Avvocato, Studio legale Sarzana. La Corte di Giustizia UE tra GDPR e Artificial Intelligence Act Una sentenza della Corte di Giustizia della UE in materia di “scoring” dell’affidabilità bancaria si inserisce in maniera “prepotente” nel dibattito in corso all’interno delle istituzioni comunitarie sull’Artificial  Intelligence Act, occupandosi per la prima volta Read more about Artificial Intelligence ACT e GDPR[…]

Metaverso e AI

Metaverso e AI, intervista a Fulvio Sarzana  su Il Previdente., periodico edito dalla Cisl. Metaverso, un nuovo concetto già molto abusato, di cosa stiamo parlando?Il Metaverso, che nell’ultimo anno è diventato una parola chiave di6• Cisl Funzione Pubblica • Marzo 2023, n. 40 tendenza su Google, non è un termine nuovo: proviene infatti dal mondo Read more about Metaverso e AI[…]

Emerging technologies Law : The game of rules

Emerging technologies include a variety of technologies such as educational technology, information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, psychotechnology, robotics, and artificial intelligence, blockchain, 5g. Between data, numbers and algorithms, the blockchain is able to create value chains that must, however, deal with law, rights and the correct information. In a private and a public context, Read more about Emerging technologies Law : The game of rules[…]


Emerging technologies: Sarzana & Partners Law Firm Joining The Global Legal Blockchain Consortium.

Rome, Italy,  February 7, 2019. Sarzana & Partners Law Firm  has joined the Global Legal Blockchain Consortium (GLBC), an international group of industry stakeholders focused on enhancing the security, privacy, productivity, and interoperability of blockchain technology.  The GLBC  comprised of approximately 160 large companies, major law firms, software companies, and universities that have joined together Read more about Emerging technologies: Sarzana & Partners Law Firm Joining The Global Legal Blockchain Consortium.[…]


First Meetings of the New Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Committees in Rome.

On Monday 21st January, at the  Salone degli Arazzi of the Italian  Ministry of Economic Development ( MiSE), the  first meetings of the  high-level experts on artificial intelligence and distributed registers (DLT) and blockchain, will take place. The Groups were established by Decree of the  Deputy Prime Minister of Italy and Minister of Economic Development, Read more about First Meetings of the New Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Committees in Rome.[…]


Uninettuno University of Rome: from 2019 the first University course dedicated to the law of blockchain, artificial intelligence and Internet of things (IoT).

The Faculty of Law of the Uninettuno University of Rome, within the degree course in Business Law, Labor and new Technologies, address Law of the digital society, corresponding to the L-14 Class of the Ministry of Education, ‘University and Research (MIUR), has activated from the 2018-2019 academic year, the course of Comparative law of new Read more about Uninettuno University of Rome: from 2019 the first University course dedicated to the law of blockchain, artificial intelligence and Internet of things (IoT).[…]


IoThings Rome 2018 21-22 November: We’re proud to be knowledge sponsor and participate in this exclusive event.

#IOTHINGS Rome is the fall edition of IOTHINGS, the international springtime event which takes place in Milan, organized by Innovability, totally focused on  IoT and the emerging Digital Transformation of Things. We’re proud to be Knowledge sponsor and participate in this event. We will talk about Blockchain, internet of things and cybersecurity and regulatory scenarios related to emerging Read more about IoThings Rome 2018 21-22 November: We’re proud to be knowledge sponsor and participate in this exclusive event.[…]


The Italian national strategy for Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and Blockchain.

“The Italian national strategy for Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and Blockchain”.   This is the title of the meeting between politicians, experts and jurists, which will take place in Rome, Italy, on November 16, 2018, at the Sala Koch of the Senate of the Italian Republic, from 10 to 12. During the meeting the guidelines that Read more about The Italian national strategy for Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and Blockchain.[…]


AI & Law. The fourth meeting of decentralized Artificial intelligence community

D.AI 3  is The fourth meeting of the Decentralized Artificial intelligence  Community, which will be held on Monday 22 October at the University of Bologna’s AlmaCube incubator In the first talk Michele De Simoni will tell us the way for the decentralization of the AI and the IoT and in the second Massimo Mannoni will Read more about AI & Law. The fourth meeting of decentralized Artificial intelligence community[…]


Associazione dei Costituzionalisti. Conferenza su Intelligenza artificiale e sfide regolatorie.

SEMINARIO A.I.C. INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE E DIRITTO. COME REGOLARE UN ‘MONDO NUOVO’ il 12/10/2018 Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti in collaborazione con Centro Universitario di Studi Bioetici dell’Università di Parma Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Studi Politici e Internazionali dell’Università di Parma CSEIA – Centro Studi in Affari Europei e Internazionali   Venerdì 12 ottobre 2018, ore 9 Palazzo Centrale Read more about Associazione dei Costituzionalisti. Conferenza su Intelligenza artificiale e sfide regolatorie.[…]
