Privacy & Legal tech lawyers

Privacy & Legal Tech Lawyers

“CovidThon, Privacy & Tech GlobalView”.

On May 26th, from 14.30 pm (CEST Time, Rome) to 20.30 We invite you to join the Seminar on line: “CovidThon, Privacy & Tech GlobalView”.

The best lawyers and jurists from around the world will discuss the Anti Covid-19 tracking apps.

Privacy & Legal Tech Lawyers

From New York to Seoul to Rome, Madrid and Bogota, the speakers will take turns speaking in a continuous interactive seminar which will be broadcast for a whole day.

Contact tracing, where people potentially exposed to a disease are notified so they can be tested and potentially treated or quarantined, has been seen as a potential way to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

How well such apps will work, and whether people will install them in sufficient numbers to be useful, remains an open question, with some surveys indicating people are skeptical of the technology. Experts and activists have also expressed concerns about erroneous results and privacy concern

Apple and Google have developed software toolkits to let public health agencies build iOS and Android apps to enable automated phone proximity detection via Bluetooth, and many state and local agencies have begun hiring people to manually trace contacts of those infected with the virus.

Some of the questions the speakers will answer Are anti-Covid apps useful? Decentralized system based on Google and Apple or centralized system? Data control or voluntary download of the app? Privacy and / or right to health?

The seminar will be in english.

Register here

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Privacy & legal tech lawyers