
Articoli dello Studio Legale

Consumer Organizations And Internet Companies Mount Legal Challenge To Italy’s Extreme Copyright Enforcement Regulations

  Techdirt has been following for a while the saga of Italy giving its Authority for Communications Guarantees (AGCOM), which regulates broadcasting and telecommunications, wide-ranging new powers to police online copyright infringement too. That culminated in the first instances of Web sites being blocked without any kind of judicial review earlier this year. Since then, there has been an important development as civil organizations Read more about Consumer Organizations And Internet Companies Mount Legal Challenge To Italy’s Extreme Copyright Enforcement Regulations[…]

Le controversie tra operatori TLC

  Le controversie tra operatori TLC Data: 23 ottobre 2024 ore 16:00. Titolo: Le controversie tra grandi operatori e piccoli e medi provider, come gestirle.Argomenti che saranno trattati:– i contratti di wholesale– come interpretare le clausole dei contratti con gli operatori– le garanzie richieste– i disservizi– i piani di rientro– le richieste di danni– la conciliazione agcom– Read more about Le controversie tra operatori TLC[…]

Decreto Omnibus e disposizioni penali sui provider

Decreto Omnibus e disposizioni penali sui provider Vuoi conoscere i nuovi adempimenti per gli ISP e gli operatori di comunicazione elettronica? Vuoi sapere le nuove disposizioni penali sulle piattaforme elettroniche ? Collegati al webinar organizzato da Assoprovider il 15 ottobre alle 16.   Decreto Omnibus e disposizioni penali sui provider

Pubblicata in Gazzetta Ufficiale la Legge di conversione del Decreto Omnibus. Operative da oggi  le norme sulla responsabilità dei provider

  E’ stata pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’8 ottobre,  la LEGGE 7 ottobre 2024, n. 143. Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 9 agosto 2024, n. 113, recante misure urgenti di carattere fiscale, proroghe di termini normativi ed interventi di carattere economico. (24G00161). La Legge entra in vigore oggi. La legge contiene alcune disposizioni sulla responsabilità, anche Read more about Pubblicata in Gazzetta Ufficiale la Legge di conversione del Decreto Omnibus. Operative da oggi  le norme sulla responsabilità dei provider[…]

Pavel Durov di Telegram e le accuse

Pavel Durov di Telegram e le accuse Il conflitto tra Dsa, principi e norme penali statali E’ pur vero che il Dsa lascia ai singoli Stati la possibilità di stabilire princìpi autonomi nel settore del diritto e della procedura penale, come del resto dichiarato dalla Commissione europea ieri. L’Ue ha specificato infatti che il Dsa Read more about Pavel Durov di Telegram e le accuse[…]

Diritto Comparato delle Nuove Tecnologie di Fulvio Sarzana di Sant’Ippolito

LEZIONE DEL GIORNO: Diritto Comparato delle Nuove Tecnologie, di Fulvio Sarzana di Sant’Ippolito    

The EU Commission attacks Apple for its application store

  EU Commission attacks Apple MILAN – New round between Brussels and Big Tech. The European Commission officially communicated to Apple what had been in the air for a few days: the preliminary opinion according to which the App Store rules violate the Digital Markets Act (DMA), as they prevent app developers from freely directing consumers Read more about The EU Commission attacks Apple for its application store[…]


L’Europa all’attacco delle piattaforme con il DSA

L’Europa all’attacco delle piattaforme con il DSA Intervista al giurista Fulvio Sarzana, su, sulle nuove regole del Digital services Act (DSA). La Commissione UE comincia ad esercitare i poteri stabiliti dal digital services packages. In particolare il 13 giugno scorso la Commissione ha annunciato un’azione diretta a verificare la protezione dei minori sulle reti Read more about L’Europa all’attacco delle piattaforme con il DSA[…]


DMA e DSA ACT Intervista allo STUDIO LEGALE SARZANA IL GIURISTA FULVIO SARZANA Fulvio Sarzana: “Con i nuovi poteri Apple rischia multa fino a 17 miliardi o blocco come TikTok” Alessandro Longo Il giurista spiega gli effetti della direttiva Digital Markets act: “La sanzione non è più discrezionale, ma Bruxelles può, come negli Usa, imporre Read more about DMA e DSA ACT[…]

Intelligenza artificiale e diritto

  Intelligenza artificiale e diritto Unione Regionale dei Consigli degli Ordini Forensi del Piemonte e della Valle D’Aosta  L’INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE E IL PROCESSO20 GIUGNO 2024 – ORE 14.30 – 16.30 Accesso al processo delle prove generate automaticamenteRelatrice: Prof.ssa Serena Quattrocolo – Professore ordinario di diritto processuale penale presso l’Università di TorinoIntelligenza artificiale e rilevanza giuridica Read more about Intelligenza artificiale e diritto[…]


Rome court seizes 152 streaming sites

    (ANSA) – Rome, November 8 – A Rome court on Tuesday ordered the seizure of 152 Internet sites offering sporting events, football matches and movies in streaming for free. This means websites such as,, and will be blacked out. The case was sparked when finance police reported the websites Read more about Rome court seizes 152 streaming sites[…]

International Press Institute concerned by draft Italian ‘cyber bullying’ bill

IPI concerned by draft Italian ‘cyber bullying’ bill Changes introduced by Chamber of Deputies would compel removal of wide range of content without judicial oversight Fulvio Sarzana, an Italian attorney and member of a group of lawyers and academics that unsuccessfully sought to counter the Chamber’s amendments, echoed that view. “Parliament is trying to pass Read more about International Press Institute concerned by draft Italian ‘cyber bullying’ bill[…]

Avvocato Roma Studio Legale

Carlo Sarzana

  Dr. Carlo Sarzana di S. Ippolito, Honorary  president of the Court of Cassation, is registered with the register of Lawyers qualified to practice before the Court of Cassation. Carlo Sarzana has been president of the Judges for Pre-trial Investigation at the Court of Rome. On July 24, 2002 he was appointed by Minister Stanca Read more about Carlo Sarzana[…]

Conference on Digital and Multimedia Evidence (Digital Forensics). Rome, Italy, 16 November, 2015.

WIFS 2015 – Thematic Meeting WIFS 2015 7th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security Rome, Italy, 16 November, 2015   WIFS 2015 – Thematic Meeting Truthfulness and trustworthiness verification of multimedia objects like audio tracks, digital images and video sequences has or should have a key role in our daily life. Audio-visual data Read more about Conference on Digital and Multimedia Evidence (Digital Forensics). Rome, Italy, 16 November, 2015.[…]


Popcorn time bientôt bloqué en Italie

Popcorn time figure parmi les logiciels les plus appréciés dans le domaine du streaming. Ces utilisateurs peuvent regarder des films et séries gratuitement, distribués par BitTorrent. En effet, ce dernier a très rapidement rassemblé un nombre d’utilisateurs de plusieurs millions de personnes l’an passé. Ce logiciel est donc devenu l’ennemi numéro 1 de nombreux détenteurs Read more about Popcorn time bientôt bloqué en Italie[…]


Copyright and our Rights: 44th General Assembly of BETH, European Theological Libraries.

  BETH is an ecumenical association of European national theological library organizations as well as single libraries. It has a membership of nearly 1500 libraries, spreading from north to south, east to west of Europe. BETH builds networks and establishes contacts, supports and promotes cooperation, stimulates library development, serves the interests of European theological libraries and works for the Read more about Copyright and our Rights: 44th General Assembly of BETH, European Theological Libraries.[…]

Avvocato Roma Studio Legale

Italian Internet providers must block access to Popcorn Time, the Criminal Court of Genoa ordered today.

Italian Internet providers must block access to Popcorn Time, the Criminal Court of Genoa ordered today. The order affects three domain names including those of the most used forks. Whether the blockade will be very effective is doubtful as the applications themselves will still work. Branded a “Netflix for Pirates,” the Popcorn Timeapp quickly gathered Read more about Italian Internet providers must block access to Popcorn Time, the Criminal Court of Genoa ordered today.[…]

EU seeks views on the Satellite and Cable Directive

  The European Commission is asking whether EU rules which define where and how satellite broadcasters and cable companies should clear copyright are up-to-date, in a public consultation launched today. It is also seeking views on the impact of extending these rules to cover broadcasters’ services (including TV and radio) provided over the Internet, This Read more about EU seeks views on the Satellite and Cable Directive[…]
