New video surveillance guidelines

New video surveillance guidelines

The European data protection supervisor has issued new guidelines on video surveillance aimed at minimising its impact on privacy and other fundamental rights. They set out how to evaluate the need for video surveillance and how to conduct it without infringing people’s privacy and other rights. The guidelines apply to existing as well as future systems, and each institution has until 1 January 2011 to bring its practices into compliance. The publication of the guidelines follows a consultation draft published on 7 July 2009. The European data protection supervisor has issued new guidelines on video surveillance aimed at minimising its impact on privacy and other fundamental rights. They set out how to evaluate the need for video surveillance and how to conduct it without infringing people’s privacy and other rights. The guidelines apply to existing as well as future systems, and each institution has until 1 January 2011 to bring its practices into compliance. The publication of the guidelines follows a consultation draft published on 7 July 2009.
