New Book from Fulvio Sarzana and Federico Marini Balestra. “The European Electronic Communications Code: 5G, Fiber, Competition and Rights of Consumers”.


New Book from Fulvio Sarzana and Federico Marini Balestra. “The European Electronic Communications Code: 5G, Fiber, Competition and Rights of Consumers”.

Head of BIRD & BIRD Competition Practice in Italy Federico Marini­ Balestra, presents his new book “The European Electronic Communications Code: 5G, Fiber, Competition and Rights of Consumers” together with co-author Fulvio Sarzana di S.Ippolito. Federico was invited to present at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome his new book: “The European Electronic Communications Code. 5G, Fiber, Competition and Rights of Consumers” (Il codice europeo delle comunicazioni elettroniche. 5G, Fibra, Concorrenza e Diritti degli Utenti), co­authored with Prof. Avv. Fulvio Sarzana di S.Ippolito. The presentation consisted of two panels which were attended by institutional members of Government, Parliament and independent authorities (such as the General­Director at the Italian Antitrust Authority), eminent scholars in the field, as well as top managers of TLC operators, such as general counsel of Telecom Italia, and the heads of regulatory affairs at Fastweb, Open Fiber, Wind­Tre, and Iliad.


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