lawyers to serve notices on facebook

lawyers to serve notices on facebook

Canberra lawyers have won the right to serve legally binding court documents by posting them on defendants’ Facebook sites. In a ruling that could make legal and internet history, a Supreme Court judge ruled last week lawyers could use the social networking site to serve court notices. Email and even mobile phone text messages have been used before to serve court notices, but the Canberra lawyers who secured the ruling are claiming service by Facebook as a world first. Canberra lawyers have won the right to serve legally binding court documents by posting them on defendants’ Facebook sites. In a ruling that could make legal and internet history, a Supreme Court judge ruled last week lawyers could use the social networking site to serve court notices. Email and even mobile phone text messages have been used before to serve court notices, but the Canberra lawyers who secured the ruling are claiming service by Facebook as a world first. Canberra lawyers have won the right to serve legally binding court documents by posting them on defendants’ Facebook sites. In a ruling that could make legal and internet history, a Supreme Court judge ruled last week lawyers could use the social networking site to serve court notices. Email and even mobile phone text messages have been used before to serve court notices, but the Canberra lawyers who secured the ruling are claiming service by Facebook as a world first.

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