Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance

Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance. How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant? Tomorrow May 26th, connect to the Legal Hackers online seminar and you will find out. Researchers, jurists, influencers from all over the world, will discuss COVID and digital tracking. Fulvio Sarzana wiill speaks about the app Read more about Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance[…]

WhatsApp is banned for under 16s and lives in Europe

According to Facebook, here Whatsapp which since February 2014 is owned by the colossus Mark Zuckerberg. The topic is the use of the Internet by minors. The context of the application of the new European regulation on the protection of personal data, which will apply from next 25 May. Article 8 of the Community Standard requires parental consent Read more about WhatsApp is banned for under 16s and lives in Europe[…]
