
EU Parliament Passes Blockchain, ICO and Cryptocurrencies Resolution

The EU Parliament have this week passed resolution on  Distributed ledger technologies and blockchains: building trust with disintermediation The approved text addresses several issues: Blockchain in the university and research sectors Blockchain in the field of copyright and intellectual property in general Blockchain and cryptocurrency Blockchain and protection of personal data (GDPR) Smart contracts Infrastructure Read more about EU Parliament Passes Blockchain, ICO and Cryptocurrencies Resolution[…]

Golden Bitcoins

A site that sold Bitcoin was seized due to financial unlawfulness

It’s called So far our country has been waiting on the phenomenon, now the turning point. The expert Sarzana: “For the first time, the judicial authority has established that offering trading on cryptocurrency ( without financial authority authorisation CONSOB  i.e.)  is an illegal sale of financial products, which will have consequences on all the Read more about A site that sold Bitcoin was seized due to financial unlawfulness[…]
