Conference on Digital and Multimedia Evidence (Digital Forensics). Rome, Italy, 16 November, 2015.

WIFS 2015 – Thematic Meeting WIFS 2015 7th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security Rome, Italy, 16 November, 2015   WIFS 2015 – Thematic Meeting Truthfulness and trustworthiness verification of multimedia objects like audio tracks, digital images and video sequences has or should have a key role in our daily life. Audio-visual data Read more about Conference on Digital and Multimedia Evidence (Digital Forensics). Rome, Italy, 16 November, 2015.[…]

Avvocato Roma Studio Legale

Italian Internet providers must block access to Popcorn Time, the Criminal Court of Genoa ordered today.

Italian Internet providers must block access to Popcorn Time, the Criminal Court of Genoa ordered today. The order affects three domain names including those of the most used forks. Whether the blockade will be very effective is doubtful as the applications themselves will still work. Branded a “Netflix for Pirates,” the Popcorn Timeapp quickly gathered Read more about Italian Internet providers must block access to Popcorn Time, the Criminal Court of Genoa ordered today.[…]

Bloquer les sites pirates, une sacrée publicité.

  Une nouvelle étude, réalisée par un chercheur de l’Université de Padoue, en Italie, fait état de la contre-productivité de la fermeture des sites en infraction au copyright. Ces conclusions vont dans le sens de l’étude réalisée récemmentpar le Centre de recherche associé de la Commission européenne.
