Cryptocurrencies in Italy new rules was published

Cryptocurrencies in Italy, MEF rules was published. The Economy and Finance Ministerial Decree on Cryptocurrencies was published in the Official Gazette February 17, 2022.Rules was called “Methods and timing with which service providers relating to the use of virtual currency and digital wallet service providers are required to communicate their operations on the national territory Read more about Cryptocurrencies in Italy new rules was published[…]


Legal aspects of autonomous vehicles

  It is predicted that the future of driving, and of transport infrastructure more generally, will be autonomous and interconnected. Numerous headlines in recent years have been dedicated to the rise and challenges of driverless technology. When and how the technology will be rolled out will depend, in no small part, on the creation of Read more about Legal aspects of autonomous vehicles[…]

Blockchain e pubblica amministrazione

Blockchain e pubblica amministrazione. Intervista allo Studio legale Sarzana e Associati Il Previdente. Le tecnologie Blockchain fanno parte della più ampia famiglia delletecnologie di Distributed Ledger, ossia sistemi che si basano su unregistro aperto e distribuito, che può essere letto e modificato dapiù nodi di una rete.La Blockchain è quindi un insieme di tecnologie, in Read more about Blockchain e pubblica amministrazione[…]
