Bloquer les sites pirates, une sacrée publicité.

  Une nouvelle étude, réalisée par un chercheur de l’Université de Padoue, en Italie, fait état de la contre-productivité de la fermeture des sites en infraction au copyright. Ces conclusions vont dans le sens de l’étude réalisée récemmentpar le Centre de recherche associé de la Commission européenne.


TorrentFreak: Censoring pirate sites is counterproductive, Research find

Italian lawyer Fulvio Sarzana, who represented the owners of several blocked websites, says the report confirms what many people already expected. “The research by the University of Padua shows what everyone already knows: administrative copyright enforcement by blocking access to websites is an unnecessary and harmful waste time,” he tells TF. The controversial AGCOM measures Read more about TorrentFreak: Censoring pirate sites is counterproductive, Research find[…]


COPYRIGHT  REFORM, Exclusive document. MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION ON COPYRIGHT. Here is the first part of the  exclusive document on Copyright Reform, that will be voted by the Plenary Assembly of the European Parliament on 9 July. The document is aimed at issuance of MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION on the implementation of Read more about COPYRIGHT REFORM, Exclusive document. MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION ON COPYRIGHT.[…]

Stanford: internet and constitional law

Stanford: internet and constitional law By Giancarlo Frosio on February 3, 2015 at 4:30 am As we reported here, the Regional Administrative Tribunal of Lazio (TAR Lazio) referred the question of constitutionality of the AGCOM Regulation regarding Online Copyright Enforcement (AGCOM Regulation) to the Italian Constitutional Court. The Regulation empowers the Italian Communication Authority (AGCOM) Read more about Stanford: internet and constitional law[…]

Forex Financial sites New Crackdown in Italy

Forex Financial sites New Crackdown in Italy Forex Financial sites. New Crackdown in Italy under request from Italian financial regulator Consob. forex Rome, 16/12/2014. In a dramatic move, the preliminary investigations by the Judge of Rome, on the order of the Public Prosecutor of Rome, under request from Italian financial regulator Consob has directed Italian Read more about Forex Financial sites New Crackdown in Italy[…]
