Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance

Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance.

How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant?

Tomorrow May 26th, connect to the Legal Hackers online seminar and you will find out.

Researchers, jurists, influencers from all over the world, will discuss COVID and digital tracking.

Fulvio Sarzana wiill speaks about the app chosen by Italian government  that is called “Immuni” and has been the subject of intense debate among politicians, experts and parts of civil society, a debate which contributed to a significant shift in focus, both in terms of the software’s architecture and of the way citizens will be required to use it.

Italy has in fact introduced a decentralized exposure notification management system.

The decentralized model  chosen by Italy should interact with Apple and Google efforts to create a platform that would allow every smartphone to build a decentralized record of the other phones it has interacted with, without having to upload it to an external server.

The app system is  in fact based on a mixed decentralized and  centralized model.

 It means that exposure notification system takes place at the device level of individual smartphone owners  but citizens’ infection data and identifiers would have been stored in an external database managed by the government.

Best Lawyers From New York to Seoul to Rome, Madrid and Bogota, the speakers will take turns speaking in a continuous interactive seminar which will be broadcast for a whole day.
Some of the questions the speakers will answer
Anti-Covid app: from being vital to irrelevance
Are anti-Covid apps useful?
Decentralized system based on Google and Apple or centralized system?
Data control or voluntary download of the app?
Privacy and / or right to health?
The seminar will be in english.


